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ul. Spadochroniarzy 20
80-298 Gdańsk
tel.: +48 (58) 785-36-70
fax: +48 (58) 762-93-19

About us


District Court Commercial Register KRS No. 0000073929
NIP: 583-000-52-71
VAT EU: PL5830005271
REGON: 190560600
Initial capital: 6.787.137 PLN
Paid-up capital: 6.787.137 PLN

History and profile

The Company ELMOR S.A. cames into being as a result of commercialization of Works of Electric Equipment and Automatics for Ships "Elmor". Before it there were Electro-Technical Works, which were established in 1945 in Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz and located on 22a Wajdeloty str. (current 7 Biała str.).

Since December 1950 the company as "Works for Electric Machines" was located on 2 Straży Portowej str. in Gdańsk (current 63 Wałowa str.).

Present the Company is located on 20 Spadochroniarzy str. in the vicinity of the Gdańsk-Rębiechowo Airport.

At the beginning of its evolution the Company was carrying out overhauls of electric machines, transformers and other electric equipment necessary for industry destroyed during the war.

In fifties years, the Company started to produce electric equipment for ships i.e. direct current machines, control apparatuses for electric drives, main and emergency switchboards and others.

In sixties years, the Company started to produce alternate current low voltage electric equipment and in eighties years medium voltage devices.

This production profile was developed and modified through many years and today ELMOR S.A. is one of the most important designers, producers and providers of:

  • Land and marine Low Voltage (up to 1 kV) and Medium Voltage (up to 36 kV) switchgears, control equipment and automation systems
  • Container power stations and electric devices for power plants with diesel drive
  • Modernization and overhauls marine and land electric machines, frequency converters, electromagnetic brakes and driving sets
  • On base of produced electrical devices and systems Elmor makes the installations and commissioning on customers' sites
  • Elmor is also carrying out domestic and foreign services for its customers

The Company is carrying out domestic and foreign services for its customers.

From 6th January 1992 ELMOR S.A. becames a Joint Stock Company registered in the District Court Commercial Register.

In 1997 ELMOR S.A. has been privatized and actually is a private Company.


ELMOR S.A. has implemented an integrated quality management system in accordance with EN ISO9001:2015 and the publication of standardization AQAP2110:2016 and environmental management system in accordance with EN ISO14001:2015 which is confirmed by certificates issued by an accredited certification body Quality Certification Center (CCJ) at the Military University of Technology (WAT) in Warsaw.


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Environmental policy

ELMOR S.A. as a manufacturer of electrical equipment, both for the maritime market and for customers on land, aware of the impact the plant on the natural environment, communicates that the framework of improving management process is used


according to PN-EN ISO14001:2015, which is part ot the Integrated Management System based on the requirements of standards PN-EN ISO9001:2015, PN-EN ISO14001:2015 and publication of standarization AQAP 2110:2016.

 We use environmental management system for minimizing the harmful effects of manufacturing processes on the environment. We achieve this by:

  • Reducing emissions and waste segregation;
  • Reduction of emissions to the air;
  • Bearing in mind about environmental aspects when designing products;
  • Taking advantage of the best available technology.

 In order to achieve the above ELMOR S.A. is committed to: 

  • Compliance with applicable legal and other requirements for the protection of the environment;
  • Realisation of manufacturing processes with sffective use of materials;
  • Implementation of new environmentally friendly technologies in the design and manufacture;
  • Continuous improvement through supervision and monitoring of the system;
  • The involvement of employees by promoting environmental awareness;
  • Usage of the suppliers qualification system to ensure the product has minimal harmful effect on the environment and meeting the the requirements of the customer. 

Environmental Policy was aproved by ELMOR S.A. Board in October 2014 and is publicly available and communicated to all employees in ELMOR S.A.

Our factory

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